July 14, 2022

If you’re dealing with a garage door that’s come off its track, it can be a frustrating experience. Don’t worry – with the right information, you can get your door back on track quickly and easily.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of repairing a garage door roller that has come off its track, from start to finish. We’ll also provide some tips and advice to help you complete the repair successfully. So if you’ve got a derailed garage door, read on for everything you need to get it back on track.

Let’s get started!

How To Tell If Your Garage Door Is Off Track:

There are a few telltale signs that your garage door is off its track. If you notice any of the following, it’s time to take action:

  •  The door is not moving smoothly when opened or closed
  •  The door makes strange noises when in use
  •  The door seems unbalanced or lopsided
  •  The door is not opening or closing all the way

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to take a closer look to see if the rollers are off track.

Find What Caused The Problem

The most common ways for your garage doors to come off track are from damaged or loose tracks from forceful impacts, dirt, or a lack of lubrication. All of these can be easily fixed with a little know-how and some elbow grease.

Damaged Tracks

First, check the tracks for any damage. Bent or damaged tracks can cause the rollers to come out of alignment. If you see any damage, use a hammer or track tool to gently straighten the tracks back into place.

Loose tracks

Next, check the tracks for any loose bolts. The vibration of your door can loosen the bolts that hold the tracks in place. Use a wrench to tighten any loose bolts.

Excessive Force, Bumps, and Minor Accidents

If you (or your teenager) hit your garage door with your car, it could have sent the rollers off the track. This is also true for any other force or impact. If your garage door comes off the track, you’ll need to realign the rollers back into place. This may require special equipment. 

Dirt and Grime 

Built-up dirt and grime, along with a lack of lubrication, can throw the rollers off track. Use a clean cloth to wipe down the tracks and remove any built-up dirt and grime. Then, apply a generous amount of lubricant to the tracks. This will help keep the rollers moving smoothly.

Professional automatic garage door opener repair service technician man working on a ladder at a home residential location making adjustments and fixing it while installing it.

Putting Your Garage Door Rollers Back On Track

If you have a garage door roller that has come off its track, don’t panic. This is a relatively easy problem to fix, if you aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty. In most cases, you will be able to get your garage door roller back on track in no time at all.

Here are the steps you need to take to repair your garage door track:

Step 1: Disconnect the power

Before you start working on your garage door it’s critical to disconnect the power to avoid any accidents.

Step 2: Inspect the track

Once the power is off, take a close look at the tracks. If they are bent or damaged in any way, they will need to be repaired or replaced before you can continue.

Step 3: Clean the tracks

If the tracks are not damaged, use a clean cloth to wipe away any dirt, debris, or grease that may be on them. This will help the new garage door roller to move smoothly.

Step 4: Attach the garage door roller

Using a ladder, reach up and slide the garage door roller back onto the track. Make sure that it is properly attached and aligned before moving on to the next one.

Step 5: Repeat

Repeat this process for each garage door roller that has come off the track.

Step 6: Reconnect the power

Once all of the garage door rollers are back in place, you can reconnect the power and open and close the door to test it.

If your garage door is still not functioning properly, or if you are unable to get the garage door roller back on track, it’s time to call a professional. Garage door repair can be tricky, and it’s best to leave it to the experts.

Let’s Review:

Assuming that you still have the willpower to give it a shot, let’s run over the steps before you begin disassembling. As any tradesperson would say — measure twice, cut once! 

The first thing you’ll want to do is identify which roller is off track. This can be done by visually inspecting the door, or by attempting to open and close it. If the door is difficult to open or close, or makes strange noises, there is a good chance that one of the garage door rollers is off track.

To repair a garage door roller that has detached from its track, you must first turn off the power — you never know when your children or partner will unintentionally press the close button, which can be dangerous.

Next, inspect the track, remove the damaged roller, give the track a quick clean, attach the replacement garage door roller, and repeat this process for each roller that has come off. 

Once all of the rollers are back in place, you can reconnect the power and test the door. If the door is still not functioning properly, you’ll want to call a professional for assistance.


If your garage door roller has come off the track, don’t panic! You can tackle it yourself — or you can call your local garage door specialist to come take care of the job for you.

Click here to book your service appointment.